For any Loan, please provide:
- Pay stub copies for the last 60 days showing pay per pay period and year-to-date information for each borrower. If you are self-employed or are claiming interest, dividend or rental income (that you would like considered), submit copies of last two year's signed federal income tax returns.
- Completed LOANLINER application.
If applying for a Vehicle Loan also provide:
- Dealer purchase order - copy of "dealer sheet," including purchase price, VIN, year, model, make and mileage of vehicle.
- If private purchase, provide written vehicle information including purchase price, VIN, year, model, make, and mileage of vehicle, four to five pictures of the vehicle, a copy of the title or registration and bill of sale signed by both buyer and seller.
- Vehicle specs are not required at time of approval, but required before loan disbursement.
- Proof of full coverage insurance and proof that Penn State Federal is listed as loss payee are required before loan disbursement.
- If refinancing from another institution, please provide the year, make, model and mileage of the vehicle, copy of registration card, 10 day payoff, name and address of institution holding the loan and your account number with that institution.
If applying for a Debt Consolidation Loan also provide:
- lender names
- addresses and account statements of all accounts (charge cards, installment loans, mortgage or rent)
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Mortgage programs:
- Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages
- Conventional and Government Loans
- Affordable Down Payment Programs
- Competitive Rates and Closing Costs
- Easy Online Application